Thursday, February 8, 2007

Travel Writing Opens Doors

Many years ago I was invited to the opening of a luxury resort in Southern Africa. They flew me to the resort in a private jet, and made a huge fuss of me at check in. I was ceremoniously presented with the keys to my suite and escorted to the shining new lift.

When I got to my floor, I followed the numbers to my room – 1407, 1409 – huh? No 1411. Where 1411 should have been was an empty door frame and three or four carpenters were scurrying around in the room. Obviously, they hadn’t yet hung the door.

Of course, the hotel was full for the opening, and I had to hang around reception for more than hour waiting for my room to be “finished”.

So, when you’re planning to invite journalists to an opening, make sure the property is actually read on time – or at least check that available rooms are give to travel writers before they’re allocated to staff!.

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